Taleemat / Ilm

The word ‘ilm’ itself means Wisdom, Awareness Education.



Ilm-e-Shariyat means Civics. It also means the body of canonical law based on the Qurans that lays down certain duties and penalties for Muslims..



Tariqat is a school in which teaching of spiritual practices are held with the aim of seeking haqiqat (Ultimate truth)



In sufism, Haqiqat is the phase in which the concern 0f the seeker is subsistent reality.

The word Haqiqat means ‘ultimate truth’ or ‘Haq’.



The term Marefat means Knowledge.

The term Marefat means mystical intuitive knowledge of spiritual truth reached through experiences.


Ilm-e-Tasawwuf, Sufi & Sufism

Tasawwuf is a sufism path to reach almighty-ALLAH.
Tasawwuf is an Arabic word which means being or becoming a Sufi.


Ilm-e-Shariyat means Civics. It also means the body of canonical law based on the Qurans that lays down certain duties and penalties for Muslims.

In Shariyat, the sources of Islamic law and the discipline dedicated to
elucidating them and their relationship to the substantive rulings of the law
is called FIQAH.

Literally, ilm-ul-rijal is also known as knowledge of men, but more commonly understood as the science of narrators.

The word ‘ilm’ itself means Wisdom, Awareness Education. Shariyat is also know as Shariah. Shariah is derived from three primary sources, the Quran, Qu’ran, or Koran : Believed by Muslims to be the word of God.

The Sharia regulates all humans actions and put them into 5 categories :
Obligatory, Recommended, Permitted, Disliked or Forbidden.

Shariah is the whole divine law & values as given by Allah. Whereas, Fiqah is the laws extracted by the Muslim Jurists from the sources of Islamic law.

The most frequently cited Hadith regarding the 73 divisions of the Muslim faith is reported as: the Jews are divided into 71 sects (Firqa), the Christian’s into 72 sects and my community will divide into 73 sects. (Ibn Majah Abu Daud, Al-Tirmidhi & Al-Nisa’i)

The English word “mosque” denotes a Muslim house of worship. During prayer, Muslims briefly kneel and touch their foreheads to the ground as a sign of submission to the will of God.

There are four towering figures in the early middle ages know as intellectual dedicated and most influential scholars viz. Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik, Imam Shafi & Imam Hambal.


Tariqat is a school in which teaching of spiritual practices are held with the aim of seeking haqiqat(Ultimate truth).

In Tariqat school, the Murshid (Guide) who plays the role of leader or spiritual director.

The followers of Tariqat are known as Muridain (Singular-Murid). Murid means desirous or desiring the knowledge of God. It also called ‘a Faqir’.
There are four large Tariqat School in South Asia namely Naqshbandi, Qadri, Chishti and Suharwardi.

The Naqshbandi Order named after Baha-ud-Din Naqshband Bukhari.
The Qadri Order named after Abdul Qadir Jilani.

The Chishti Order named after Khwaja Mawdood Chishti while Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti is the most famous Shaikh. The Suharwardi Order named after Shahab-ud-Din Suharwardi.

Tariqat means the Spiritual path of individual Sufis (Mystics). After the 12th century, as community of followers gathered around peers, Tariqat came to designate the Shaikhs entire ritual system which was followed by the community or sufis order.

Each Sufi order claimed a chain of spiritual Silsila from the prophet Mohammed by following the part of a known Sufi Saint under the guidance of his peer (Shaikh).

The greatest expansion of sufi tariqat’s was in the central Islamic countries by the mid-20th century, where they played an important role in the religious life of Muslim community.


Haqiqat is a difficult concept to write and understand. The word Haqiqat means ‘ultimate truth’ or ‘Haq’.

It means what is real, genuine, authentic, & is true or cosmic status. Haqiqat may be defined as the knowledge gained only after the Tariqat is undertaken.

In sufism, Haqiqat is the phase in which the concern 0f the seeker is subsistent reality. The seeker becomes a fathoming device in which is recognised and valued above all.


The term Marefat means Knowledge. According to Sufi Muslims, the term Marefat means mystical intuitive knowledge of spiritual truth reached through ecstatic experiences, rather than revealed or rationally acquired.

The Seeker of Marefat is known as ‘Aarif’, the one who knows.
Marefat is the fourth door of Sufism. Marefat comes from the history of Khizar (A.S.) in Quraan, where Khizar (A.S.) has some mysterious knowledge from the almighty-ALLAH.

 Marefat is the knowledge which cannot be taught by an individual, which can only be blessed by almighty-ALLAH to that person with that kind of knowledge.

Ilm-e-Tasawwuf , Sufi & Sufism

Tasawwuf is a sufism path to reach almighty-ALLAH. Tasawwuf is an Arabic word which means being or becoming a Sufi. Tasawwuf is an Islamic Mysticism.

The term Sufi is derived from the Arabic word called Suf, which means wool, which were generally worn by early Muslim mystics known as Sufis. Sufism or Tasawwuf is the name given to mysticism in Islam.

Sufis themselves say that the word Sufi is derived from ‘safa’ means purity.
Sufi practice on purification of the soul and the mystical contemplation of God’s nature. Disciples try to get closer to God by seeking spiritual teachings known as Tariqat.

Sufis, like other Muslims, pray five times a day and visit Mecca once in their lifetime. A Sufi is a person who believes in Islam known as Sufism. The spiritual goal of a Sufi is to have a direct personal experience of God, the almighty.

Sufism is more prominent among Sunnis, but there are also Shia Sufi orders or tariqat. The Sufis dance is a traditional form of worship. It is continuous twirling with one hand pointed upward reaching fir the divine and the other hand pointed towards the ground.

Sufis exist in the Islamic world and it includes both in Sunnis and Shia.
Major ideas of Sufis is surrounded the concept of Wahdat or Unity with God. Wahdat-ul-Wajood (Unity of Being) states  that the only truth within the Universe is God, and that all the things which exists within God only.

Zikr (meditation) which means reminding oneself as like fikr, is a method which Sufis use in their striving to achieve oneness (Tauheed) with God.
To learn Sufism or to know the true Islam, training under a Spiritual Leader is farz, who is also known as PEER-E-KAMIL.