Silsila-e-Attari Peer
Shaikh-ul-Aarfeen Peer-e-Tareeqat Hazrat Sufi Khwaja Shaikh Mohammed Masrur Ahmed Shah Qadri Al Chishti Iftekhari Aadil Fehmi Nawazi Attari Peer (Madzillah-hul-Aali).
He got his Teachings from his Peer-o-murshid Shaikh-ul-Aashikeen Aarif-ul-Wasleen Peer-e-Tariqat Hazrat Sufi Khwaja Shaikh Mohammed Abdul Rauf Shah Qadri al Chishti Iftekhari ‘Sarkar Fehmi Peer’ (Madzillah-hul-Aali), who is a great Spiritual Sufi Saint.
Sarkar Attari Peer is also a Spiritual sufi saint, who guides people regarding humanity, love and affection as regards our prophet Mohammed S.A.W. taught to his Sahabis in his times, as written in the Holy book of ‘Quraan Sharif’ and the great teachings of Auliya Allah of both salasils.(Qadriya Aliya Khulfaiya and Chishtiya Bahishtiya Khulfaiya).
He loves every human being and he says that we all are equal in the eyes of almighty ‘ALLAH’. He teaches us about the Sufism and the concept of sufis. He has two Khilafats viz., Qadriya Aaliya Khulfaiya & Chishtiya Bahishtiya Khulfaiya rewarded from his Peer-o-murshid ‘Sarkar Fehmi Peer’ at the Aastana-e-Sarkar Peer Aadil Bijapuri R.A., Bijapur sharif.
He is serving to the mankind from past 22 years and thousands of followers of Attari Peer come to take blessings from him to set their Life Goals (Maqsad-e-Zindagi). He has thousands of followers to whom he guides about Shariyat and Tariqat.
He says that there are six stages to be known in this life. First is Shariyat, Second is Tariqat, Third is Haqiqat, Fourth is Marefat, Fifth is Wehdat and Sixth is Waslat.
He describes life in such a manner that no one can think of it. He says that life is a Gift of God, where we have to know God - Who is he? Where is he? and How to enlighten us?